Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program

WSCCOG developed a list of projects and a 5-Year Plan for its Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP). Building from the 2020 WSCCOG Mobility Study, the WSCCOG worked and consultant Fehr & Peers worked closely with the WSCCOG Transportation Working Group to develop a list of projects for the Active Transportation and 1st/Last Mile Connection Program under the Measure M MSP expenditure.

  • 2023 MSP Update

    • On October 18, 2023, Metro approved the WSCCOG’s first MSP annual update, which included the programming of $966,589 in additional funds for the WSCCOG Active Transportation/1st and Last Mile Connection Program through FY 2024-25. To view the Metro staff report and the list of projects, click here.

  • 2022 MSP Update

    • On October 19, 2022, Metro approved the WSCCOG’s first MSP annual update, which included the programming of $966,589 in additional funds for the WSCCOG Active Transportation/1st and Last Mile Connection Program through FY 2024-25. To view the Metro staff report and the list of projects, click here.

  • 2021 MSP List of Projects

    • On January 20, 2021, Metro approved the programming of $26,151,339 in Measure M MSP funds for the WSCCOG Active Transportation/1st and Last Mile Connection Program for FY 2020-21 to FY 2023-24. To view the Metro staff report and the list of projects, click here.

Measure M Subregional Equity Program

In 2016, Metro established and programmed $1.2 billion to the Measure M Subregional Equity Program (SEP) to provide equivalent funding to each of the other subregions after the Metro Board allocated funding to a San Fernando Valley transit project. Within this program, the WSCCOG is allocated approximately $160 million, while the Central City Area Subregional Planning Area is allocated $235 million.

In June 2021, the Metro Board adopted a motion making SEP funding eligible for programming starting in FY22-23 subject to project readiness criteria and clarified that subregions may access SEP funds earlier than 2043 through a combination of inter-fund borrowing, fund exchanges with other programs and projects in their subregions, Metro Measure M bonding capacity, or other discretionary funds designated for their subregion.

On October 14, 2021, the WSCCOG Board approved the City of West Hollywood’s request to allocate of 25 percent ($40 million) of the $160 million SEP funds from Metro to the Crenshaw Northern Extension Project to support predevelopment activities to get the project shovel-ready and eligible for other funding and send a letter to Metro asking for project development work on the Crenshaw Northern Extension Project to be fully funded in the FY22 midyear budget and the FY23 annual budget.

In December 2023, the WSCCOG Board approved the priorities for the remaining SEP allocation, which includes 62.5 percent ($100 million) for BRT and Bus Infrastructure Improvements, and 12.5 percent ($20 million) for the D Line (Purple) Extension to Santa Monica.

WSCCOG Unfunded Strategic Project List

In 2021, Metro directed each COG to develop a Strategic Project List consisting of unfunded transportation capital projects of regional significance. The Strategic Project List is not tied to specific future funding, and is not a prioritized list, but will aid countywide and regional planning efforts. Building from the 2020 WSCCOG Mobility Study and 2021 WSCCOG Measure MSP, the WSCCOG staff worked closely with the WSCCOG Transportation Working Group to develop this list, which was approved by the WSCCOG Board on June 10, 2021.

The WSCCOG Unfunded Strategic Project List consists of 37 major projects, including 21 active transportation projects, 14 transit projects, and two highway projects. It also includes the Westside Mobility Study Pedestrian and Bicycle Network program, consisting of 53 remaining bicycle and pedestrian improvements, which would complete the connected, multimodal transportation vision described in the Westside Mobility Study. The list was revised in October 2021. To access the latest version of the WSCCOG Unfunded Strategic Project List, click here.

2020 WSCCOG Mobility Study

WSCCOG and SCAG retained a consultant team led by Fehr & Peers, with STV, Inc., and Arellano Associates, to update the 2003 Westside Mobility Study. This Mobility Study identifies inter-jurisdictional transportation investment priorities for the Westside and guide future regional planning and project implementation. The study would also inform the development process of the Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program.

Final Study
On August 13, 2020, the WSCCOG Board adopted the 2020 WSCCOG Mobility Study
WSCCOG Mobility Study (Final) - Adopted 08/13/2020

Detailed information of the 2020 WSCCOG Mobility Study can be found in the memorandum of the following appendices that were produced in an earlier phase of this project. The content was finalized and incorporated in the final study.
Appendix A - Existing Conditions Memo
Appendix B - Bicycle Priorities Memo
Appendix C - Mobility Centers & Needs Memo
Appendix D - Outreach Summary


In 2015, the WSCCOG approved an initial list of transportation priorities as part of the Measure M Expenditure Plan. The priorities include the following:

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